Technical Instructor at DevelopIntelligence</a>. He spends his time reading, coding, biking, and exploring live music in Denver. He enjoys trying to make technical concepts more approachable and likes tinkering with music and mapping APIs."/>Technical Instructor at DevelopIntelligence</a>. He spends his time reading, coding, biking, and exploring live music in Denver. He enjoys trying to make technical concepts more approachable and likes tinkering with music and mapping APIs."/>Technical Instructor at DevelopIntelligence</a>. He spends his time reading, coding, biking, and exploring live music in Denver. He enjoys trying to make technical concepts more approachable and likes tinkering with music and mapping APIs."/>Kyle Pennell, Author at SitePoint

Kyle Pennell

Kyle Pennell

Kyle is a Technical Instructor at DevelopIntelligence. He spends his time reading, coding, biking, and exploring live music in Denver. He enjoys trying to make technical concepts more approachable and likes tinkering with music and mapping APIs.

Kyle's articles