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New PR pathway for 457 & 482 Visa holders

New PR pathway for 457 & 482 Visa holders

Visa changes to support 457 & 482 Visa holders The Minister of Immigration announced this week that there will be some positive changes coming for temporary skilled workers looking for a pathway to permanent residency. These changes will benefit skilled workers...

Enter Australia without Travel Exemption

Enter Australia without Travel Exemption

Travel without a Travel Exemption  From 1 December 2021, fully vaccinated eligible visa holders can travel to Australia without needing to apply for a travel exemption.  Some of the eligible visas include: 482 Visa – Temporary Skill Shortage visa 482 Family Visa 457...

Travel for vaccinated Australians and permanent residents

Travel for vaccinated Australians and permanent residents

Travel for vaccinated Australians and permanent residents Fully vaccinated Australian citizens, permanent residents and other visa holders with travel exemptions aged 12 years and over can now travel to and from Australia. When preparing to travel, you should check...

How to Become an Australian Permanent Resident

How to Become an Australian Permanent Resident

Do You Want to Get Australian Permanent Residency? Australia is an extremely popular choice for those looking to relocate to a new country, and if you are considering becoming an Australian permanent resident then you are probably already aware that the process...

Inquiry into Australia’s Skilled Migration Program

Inquiry into Australia’s Skilled Migration Program

Inquiry into Australia's Skilled Migration Program In March 2021, The Joint Standing Committee on Migration inquired into and made recommendations on Australia’s skilled migration program. The inquiry found that COVID-19 has had a significant effect on Australia’s...

English Requirement for Partner Visas

English Requirement for Partner Visas

New English Language Requirement for Partner Visas The Morrison Government has announced new requirements for partner visa applicants and their sponsors to make 'reasonable efforts' to learn English. Only 13 per cent of residents with no English skills are currently...

17 Occupations Immigration is prioritising right now

17 Occupations Immigration is prioritising right now

Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List The Department of Home Affairs has released The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL). The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List aims to support Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19 by prioritising...

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